রবিবার, ৭ এপ্রিল, ২০১৩

Ohio State junior Thomas declares for NBA Draft

Ohio State junior Deshaun Thomas is leaving Columbus.

Thomas averaged 19.8 points and 5.9 rebounds per game this season and led the Buckeyes to face Wichita State in the Elite Eight. Several NBA executives have told CBSSports.com that the 6-foot-7 forward will likely be taken in the end of the first round or early in the second round.

"My three years at Ohio State have been the best years of my life,? Thomas said in a statement. ?I have grown tremendously as an individual and as a basketball player. I intend to return to finish my degree, but I believe that now is the best opportunity to pursue my dream and begin my career as a professional basketball player. I will always be a Buckeye and am blessed to be a part of the Ohio State University family."

Thomas finishes his career as the No. 9 scorer in the history of the program with 1,630 points.

Eye on College Basketball is managed by our esteemed college hoops troubadours: Matt Norlander, Jeff Borzello, Jeff Goodman, and Gary Parrish. Follow Eye on College Basketball on Twitter.

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