মঙ্গলবার, ২৬ মার্চ, ২০১৩

Dope Gets Busted For Missing Child Support Payments After Posting This Pic on Facebook

Mar 25 2013


Christopher Robinson may have to pick that money off the floor and give it to his ex after cops used his Facebook photos of him posing with cash to bust him for allegedly failing to pay child support. ABC News reports that the Milwaukee man is charged with three felony counts of failure to support his 3-year-old child, after he allegedly didn?t make a single monthly child support payment for three years. He was supposed to pony up $150 a month. ?What we do in these types of cases is we try to find out from other family members whether there is other information we may not be able to know about,? Milwaukee County Chief Deputy District Attorney Kent Lovern told ABCNews.com. [Continue Reading]

Well, it looks like my dude has about half a year?s payments right here. Another day, another deadbeat dad. If you can?t pony up $150/mo. you deserve to be castrated. We are a brilliant species aren?t we?


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Source: http://www.uncoached.com/2013/03/25/dope-gets-busted-for-missing-child-support-payments-after-posting-this-pic-on-facebook/

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