মঙ্গলবার, ১৪ মে, ২০১৩

Bridgebank Capital appoints new Business Development Manager ...

Bridgebank Capital appoints new Business Development Manager for Central London

Bridgebank Capital has announced the appointment of Magnus Duke as a London based Business Development Manager. Magnus will contribute towards the ongoing growth of the company, providing business development support covering central and City of London areas.

Magnus joins Bridgebank Capital with significant experience from within the financial and mortgage industry having worked for market leading introducers and mortgage packaging organisations for 25 years. During this time, Magnus has built up and retained a well established network of valued relationships with broker introducers, and developed a broad portfolio of transferable skills that he is keen to put into practice within his new role at Bridgebank Capital.

Regarding his appointment, Magnus commented

?I look forward to being part of the expansion of Bridgebank Capital and developing new and existing relationships with brokers. I believe a strong partnership is developed over time and results from a significant amount of hard work, shared goals, varied experiences and a vested interest which all contribute to a solid foundation. This I believe will help catapult Bridgebank Capital onto its next growth level?.?


Laurence Goodman, Group Managing Director commented

?We are delighted to welcome Magnus to the team at Bridgebank Capital. Magnus is one of a number of key appointments that we will be making over the coming months as part of the company?s expansion and growth plans?.??


For any press enquiries please contact Claire Pender, Head of Marketing on 0808 222 22 11.

Posted on by admin

Source: http://www.bridgebankcapital.co.uk/bridgebank-capital-appoints-new-business-development-manager-for-central-london/

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