Carnival of Retirement the 22nd Edition | Finance Product Reviews ...
Welcome to the 22nd edition of carnival of retirement, the second carnival I am hosting at FPR. This is one amazing carnival where rarely people submit their retirement related post. this week we can see a few retirement posts but, mostly the articles are of the general broader personal finance topics.
About my retirement plan, I am maxing out IRA and saving in 401 (k) to get maximum matching employer contribution, in my case it?s 5% and I am saving just that. I have no plans to retire early, unless perhaps I win a lottery.
As a blogger we have an obligation to the society to increase awareness on importance of retirement saving. More than half of total American population do not have retirement fund. That?s scary.
Let the carnival begin now.
Todd Tresidder @ Financial Mentor writes What Big Wall Rock Climbing Can Teach You About Wealth Building ? Building wealth is no secret. It is simply a matter of applying the same proven success principles that work in ever field ? whether it is health, career, or extreme rock climbing.
Ray @ Squirrelers writes The Staggering Cost of Health Care in Retirement ? When people think of retirement costs, health care is often just given a passing thought. However, these costs just might make or break someone?s retirement, as this post explores.
Paul Vachon @ The Frugal Toad writes Save Money on Auto Repair with These Web Apps ? With the average age of cars on U.S. roads approaching 11 years, saving money on auto repair is a high priority for many people. One of the problems when dealing with auto repair away from home is finding a reputable repair shop. With a smartphone and these websites, saving money on auto repair is right at your fingertips.
SB @ One Cent at a Time writes How to Control Stock Trading Impulses ? People with investable money often gets attracted to stocks after reading an article or two. It is important to not buy out of impulse. Take time, do research and set some guidelines to control your impulses
Michael Kitces @ Nerd?s Eye View writes A New Way To Review Your Social Security Benefits ? Online! ? Although Social Security benefits are a major part of retirement planning, since the Social Security Administration stopped mailing statements to workers last year, most people have been limited in their ability to get updated Social Security information Fortunately, earlier this month the Social Security Administration launched a new online platform allowing anyone to access their own Social Security benefits estimate and earnings record ? and it takes just 5 minutes!
Dr. Dean @ The Millionaire Nurse Blog writes Innovative Ideas ? Are you looking for new ideas? Do you want to learn how to look for ideas in a new way? This is an innovative way to expand your search for creativity.
A Blinkin @ Funancials writes What To Do With Your Old 401(k) ? There are a lot of topics within personal finance that can spark debate among ?experts? and economists; however today, I will highlight a less-controversial topic. Though important, I foresee no wadded panties towards the end of the post.
Jason @ Work Save Live writes What Phase of Investing Are YOU In? ? Welcome to the ?Understanding Retirement Planning & Investing? series! If you?ve missed the first few posts be sure to check them out! Everything You Need to Know About a Roth IRA.
Jeremy @ Modest Money writes Putting Your Health Before Your Finances ? One area that I was particularly naive was how I viewed health. I thought that while I was young with no obvious problems that I just didn?t need to worry about it. As a result I was irresponsible and abused my body. This may not seem like a financial mistake, but I?m really learning it all comes full circle.
Daniel @ Sweating the Big Stuff writes IKEA?s As-Is Department: How We Saved 40 Percent on a China Cabinet ? This article is about how we saved 40 percent on a China Cabinent by buying it thru IKEA?s AS-IS Department! Read about our great deal!
Amanda L Grossman @ Frugal Confessions writes Are Family Memberships Worth It? ? Summer is upon us?a potentially busy time for Moms and Dads.
Evan @ My Journey to Millions writes Trying to Understand Long Term Care Insurance ? With costs increasing and people living longer there is an obvious need for a long term health insurance product that shifts the risk to a company that can pay for it no matter what, so what don?t I get? I don?t understand why people are purchasing the current products out there nor do I understand why insurance companies are selling the current product today.
Peter @ Bible Money Matters writes Lending Club Returns Closing in on 12%: Lending club Could Cross $1 billion in Total Loans by End of Year ? My Lending Club account has been kind of hands off the last couple of months, with no new loans being bought or sold. The good news is that my returns are continuing to improve. My returns are now up to 11.93%, getting close to the 12% I said I was looking for a while back.
Mr. Money @ Smart on Money writes How Scammers Use Personal Information to Fool You ? The fact that personal information about you is available online means that scammers can use it to fool you into thinking that you are being contacted by someone you know, or someone you share an affinity with. Here are some of the ways that a scammer can trick you with the help of information that many people don?t think about as being too telling online:
Penny Thots @ Penny Thots writes Putting a Price on Time ? Everyone always says that when it comes to saving for retirement, the earlier you start, the better. This is because of the effect of compound interest over time. A simple explanation is that the longer you have (time) the more your money can compound upon itself and grow.
Lazy Man @ Lazy Man and Money writes Early Retirement Plan Update: 2012 ? About three and half years ago, I wrote about our plan for early retirement. I wrote it knowing that planning for things that far in advance are not going to as planned. Still, it is important to put a road map into place and make adjustments along the journey as conditions change.
Ashley @ Money Talks Coaching writes We Paid off $37,000 in 58 weeks! ? My friends Vicki and Alan became debt free this week!! I asked if they would do a little interview for this site and they graciously agreed.
Kyle @ The Penny Hoarder writes How to Get Paid for Making Fun of Movies Online ? If you are good at making fun of movies, here?s an opportunity for you to make some money from it?
Debt Guru @ Debt Free Blog writes Should you Finance Vacations? ? Everyone enjoys a nice vacation. If you are working a stressful job that makes you feel entitled, you may want to get away for a week or two. It?s not always easy to save up for vacations and it?s definitely takes work to find cheap vacation ideas these days (with the cost of gas and airfare going up), so the two choices that people are often left with are 1.
Kevin @ Thousandaire writes Do Young People Need Life Insurance? ? Do young people need life insurance? Unfortunately that?s the wrong question.
Luke @ Learn Bonds writes Is Now a Good Time to Buy a Savings Bond? ? The Treasury Department recently announced rates for Savings Bonds purchased between May 1st and October 30th, 2012. Is now the time to buy?
Robert @ The College Investor writes Swing Trading with Alexander Elder: 3 Ways to Profit ? Swing trading is about having a defined set of rules for buying and selling. This eliminates the subjectivity and emotional aspects of trading, which so many traders fall victim to. Swing trading is also labor intensive, since it takes a lot of time and effort to due the necessary technical and fundamental research. Here is what you need to know about swing trading, and how to profit:
SFB @ Simple Finance Blog writes The Rise of Electronic Money ? What is electronic money (or e-money)? What are its advantages and disadvantages.
Eddie @ Finance Fox writes 5 Full Proof Ways To Beat Rising Gas Prices ? Prices of gas at the pump are just going up, and its our due diligence to keep fighting back by saving money every time we fill our car.
MMD @ MyMoneyDesign writes Can You Afford to Work? ? Does your daycare cost more than you make? Would it make sense for you to simply quit your job and stay at home with the kids? There are many reasons on both side of the argument. Let?s explore a few of them.
Sustainable PF @ Sustainable Personal Finance writes HELOC For Consumption vs Investment ? The Smith Manoeuvre might not be for everyone, but basic math shows that it isn?t insane. In fact, for many people, it makes a lot of sense.
Van Beek @ Stock Trend Investing writes Historical Results ? To grow your savings and protect your wealth, you want avoid the massive downturns in the stock market. Since the situation for every person is different, you want to be able to select a trend signal that matches your risk profile.
101 Centavos @ 101 Centavos writes Why Green is the Way Forward for Your Business ? Improving your environmental credentials is unlikely to be at the top of your to do list, but ?going green? can be a super smart move for any business?.
Daisy @ Add Vodka writes Are Bloggers Really Writers? ? I was in Kindergarten when I picked up my first novel (Babysitters Little Sister ? holla!) that a family friend had given me to save for when I was actually old enough to read it, and I never looked back.
JP @ My Family Finances writes Family Debt Management: Should You Take Out a Student Loan for College or Save Up and Pay With Cash? ? When managed correctly, debt is very useful, it can help you save money and get you ahead in your finances. Student loans are a perfect example.
Maria @ The Money Principle writes About the importance of spotting opportunities and acting on them ? Looking at my plan and what I have really achieved it struck me that my main achievements didn?t have much to do with my plan and a lot to do with serendipity. Also, although my talents, skills and knowledge were absolutely necessary for some of these to come off, they are by far not sufficient. These achievements needed opportunities, my ability to recognise these and the courage to ride with them.
MR @ Money Reasons writes Are Robert Kiyosaki?s Books a Stepping Stone To Wealth? ? After re-reading the rich dad poor dad author Robert Kiyosaki?s books, I now think that they serve a great purpose on the road to wealth? Believing!
Suba @ Broke Professionals writes You Better Not Die Without These Three Documents! ? You Better Not Die Without These Three Documents! is a post from: Broke Professionals if you enjoy it, please visit us and subscribe to the Feed. Death is something that no one wants to think about, but is inevitable. Like the saying goes, ?no one comes out of this life alive.
PITR @ Passive Income To Retire writes Ways to Retire Early ? Find out what it takes to retire early. Do you have what it takes to quit your day job before everyone else?
Tushar @ Start Investing Money writes 5 Types of Common Stocks ? This Post was Originally published at 5 Types of Common Stocks on Start Investing Money
YFS @ Your Finances Simplified writes We Have Officially Purchased Rental Property #3 ? As Ice Cube said Today Was a Good Day I thought we were going to get this deal done before our Europe vacation, but the sellers lawyer was moving at a snails pace. So, I said sorry guys we are closing when I get back. Then the deal almost didn?t happen, here?s why?!
Jen @ Master the Art of Saving writes Warning: Drinking Alcohol Can Make You Spend More Money ? Can drinking alcohol make you spend more money? In my experience it can, but that doesn?t mean that it?s that way for everybody. Is it? Drinking alcohol??..
Jeffrey @ Money Spruce writes Who Does Professional Indemnity Insurance Cover? ? The following is a guest post. Professional Indemnity Insurance is available to protect you from the costs of defending (and perhaps settling or being ordered to compensate) cases brought by clients dissatisfied you?re your professional work. Depending on the type of business you own, the sort of cases that might be brought against you will vary.
Invest It Wisely @ Invest It Wisely writes Negotiate Using the Lifetime Loyalty Card ? Repeat after me: Everything is negotiable.
ETZ25 @ Entertainment Timez writes Is BP a Dividend Stock For Entertainment Money? ? would BP make a good stock because of it?s dividend as a cashflow for entertainment timez?
Corey @ Steadfast Finances writes How to Turn Artistic Creativity Into Supplemental Income ? Find out how you can turn your creativity into a side income and perhaps even replace your day job income.
Crystal @ Budgeting in the Fun Stuff writes Saving Our Health and Money ? Thanks to health issues and debt, our family has made big changes to our food budget and choices. Our health is getting better and we are saving a lot!
Jon the Saver @ Free Money Wisdom writes Do You Plan to Work in Retirement? ? You probably don;t want to work during retirement, so start making steps today to ensure that you don;t get stuck in the working trap!
Hank @ Money Q&A writes Why Good Companies Do Not Always Make Good Investments ? There is a difference between a good company and a company?s stock that makes a good investment. How do you choose and know when a good companies may not make good investments?
John @ Married (with Debt) writes PMI: The Shadow Debt ? PMI is annoying, but is it a debt? Private mortgage insurance, or PMI, is a cost of ownership, but it behaves like a shadow debt.
Don @ MoneySmartGuides writes Half of American?s Save Nothing for Retirement ? A recent survey by LIMRA, which is an association related to the financial services industry, found that 49 percent of American?s are saving nothing for retirement. The percent is even higher for 18-34 year olds, of which 56 percent save nothing.
Jeff Rose @ Good Financial Cents writes Five Ways to Prepare for Retirement Health Care Costs ? How much you?ll have to put away for retirement to cover healthcare costs will really depend on your specific lifestyle and situation. According to Fidelity Investments, a married couple may need as much as $240,000, and most of this is just to cover the costs of their health care. If you?re starting to prepare for retirement, there are several ways in which you can save on your health care costs.
Aloysa @ My Broken Coin writes Why I Took Out a 401K Loan ? Two years ago I took out a 401K loan to pay off my personal loan. Don?t gasp. Don?t shake your head. Don?t judge, or be judged, remember? Most financial bloggers recommend to never borrow from your 401K. They are right: the risks of taking out a 401K loan outweigh the benefits by far.
Corey @ 20s Finances writes Is the Best Job The Highest Paying One? ? Too often our society places the highest value on that which costs the most money. Somehow we have come to learn that the most money means the best product and ultimately, quality of life. We convince ourselves that life would be better if we had more money. While it is almost always easier, it doesn?t mean better.
Sicorra @ Tackling Our Debt writes ? So did I miss any points on what not to say to co-workers? Again, I am interested in hearing your perspective of what should and shouldn?t be said based on your experiences in your present or past work environment.
krantcents @ KrantCents writes The 3 R?s of Success ? The 3 R?s of Success is the eighteenth in a series of articles to help you reach your goal.
Jester @ The Ultimate Juggle writes Watch out for These Scams When Opening up a High Risk Merchant Account ? Merchant account scams have become more common as more businesses have become able to accept their customers? credit cards. High risk merchant accounts can be especially vulnerable to these types of scams.
Jeremy Waller @ Personal Finance Whiz writes Infographic: The Insanely High Cost of Higher Education ? Upon graduation, the average student has over $25,000 in student loan debt. Though, it?s not unusual to graduate with many times that amount.
Sean @ One Smart Dollar writes The Effects of Student Loans on Credit Scores ? Have you ever stopped to think about how your student loans might affect your credit score?
PPlan @ Provident Plan writes Should You Pray for Good Fortune? to Win the Lottery? ? Do you find yourself wanting more money? Maybe you want to win the lottery. Find out how prayer comes into play and whether it can help you win the lottery.
TRL @ The Retired Landlord writes Why Purchase Price is VERY Important ? Find out what properly assessing a rental property is important for any real estate investor. The last thing you want to do is over pay.
Wayne @ Young Family Finance writes Cheap Hobbies to Save You Money ? Find ways to save money with these cheap hobbies. You will save money and find enjoyment at the same time.
Young @ Young And Thrifty writes Investors Group Update: Lower MERs ? Slowly but surely, those who are preaching the low MER fees Gospel (and I will proudly number myself among the faithful) are winning the battle for the hearts and minds of Canadian investors.
Teacher Man @ My University Money writes Is the Extended Warranty Worth It? ? What you are being sold using catchy terms like ?layers of protection? is an extended warranty. These products differ widely in what they cover, but the basic idea is that for a yearly fee, the place where you are buying the product will fix your purchase if it breaks or malfunctions. As with most financial products, the devil in the details, but the vast majority of the time, you should politely decline the offer.
Kraig @ Young, Cheap Living writes Why The Millennial Generation CAN Win ? Is the millennial generation in trouble because of the economy or because of their urge to spend more than they make? This article proposes that young adults can win in spite of the economy.
Steven Zussino @ Grocery Alerts writes The Ultimate Guide to Father?s Day Gifts on Any Budget ? Whether you plan to spend a lot or a little, below is a list of great Father?s Day gift ideas for any budget.
KT @ Personal Finance Journey writes How to Make Money While Traveling Around the World ? I?ve read hundreds of stories about people who have made money while seeing all that the world has to offer while still making enough money to pay their bills.
Boomer @ Boomer & Echo writes What Are Segregated Funds (And Why You Should Avoid Them)? ? Segregated funds consist of a pool of investments in securities like bonds and stocks, similar to mutual funds, but sold by life insurance companies.
Michael Kitces @ Nerd?s Eye View writes The Problem With Essential-Vs-Discretionary Retirement Strategies ? A popular approach for budgeting retirement goals is to separate retirement spending into ?essential? versus ?discretionary? expenses ? not unlike ?needs? versus ?wants? for accumulators ? with the idea of using guarantees to secure the essential expenses, and less certain growth assets with some risk to fund the discretionary expenses. Yet in reality, even discretionary spending still constitutes an important part of a retiree?s overall lifestyle ? the loss of which could be very psychologicall
J.P. @ Novel Investor writes The Best Stock Screener Tools Online ? The best stock screener allows investors to quickly filter through thousands of stocks using their own unique criteria that matches their investment strategy.
Andy @ saving to invest writes Opening a Roth IRA for Your Non-Working Spouse ? Can you open a Roth IRA for your spouse? This question comes up a lot among married couples with just one income. After all, one of the requirements for opening and funding a Roth IRA is earned income, right?
Roger the Amateur Financier @ The Amateur Financier writes Being Truly Prepared for an Emergency ? Talking about one of the most important things you can do to prepare yourself for trouble as you save for retirement: creating an emergency fund to cover you during hard times.
Steven Zussino @ Canadian Personal Finance writes Finding a New Job When You`re Already in One ? Some people say that it?s easier to find your next job when you?re already employed, but searching for new employment whilst you?re working for a different organisation comes with risks. So, how can you manage your job hunting without jeopardising your current position?
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