শুক্রবার, ১৪ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

Brooke Burke-Charvet: I'm Cancer Free!

One week removed from surgery, Brooke Burke-Charvet is now cancer free.

"I just got the results back from all of my tests and great news - the thyroid cancer has been removed from my body and all my lymph nodes are clear," Brooke revealed on her ModernMom.com blog on Wednesday. "So I'm hoping that this is the end of the story. Woohoo!!! And thank GOD!"

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Her new blog post was accompanied by a photo of the beauty showing off her post-surgery bandage on her neck. The photo also appeared on Brooke's WhoSay page.

And while she admitted she's still "quite sore" from undergoing a thyroidectomy on December 6, the "Dancing with the Stars" co-host said the road to recovery has been smooth - and has allowed her to relax in front of the TV.

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"My surgery went really well and recovery is much better than I expected it would be. I've been home for the past week, watching a lot of TV, which I never do," she added. "Having movie marathons and I've almost made it through the entire season of Showtime's hit show 'Homeland.' I can't remember the last time I lost myself in someone else's story."

As she continues to recover, Brooke - who first revealed her cancer diagnosis in a post on her ModernMom YouTube channel in early November -- admitted she is enjoying the forced time off.

"In a weird way, it's kind of the perfect ending to a very busy year. I've taken the rest of the year off to recover and catch up with my family and now we're just celebrating life," her blog continued. "I never thought a mandatory vacation would be under these circumstances but it's nice to quiet the noise and enjoy the R&R and stay home for a change."

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-- Eric Anderson

Copyright 2012 by NBC Universal, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Source: http://news.yahoo.com/brooke-burke-charvet-im-cancer-free-210741750.html

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