শুক্রবার, ২১ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

New Release From VerbMusic -The Self Development Song ...

This new verb song entitled Succeed Anyway, is a song I just finished last week. I got started on it Thursday night. And I put the finishing touches on it a few days ago.

There are some important goals that I really want to reach. And I?ve realized over time, that if one really wants to succeed? it has to happen ANYWAY!

Success is something that has to happen in spite of _____________ (fill in the blank).

Is it your upbringing? Is it your past? Is it your age? your health?

Is is the fact that you?ve tried repeatedly but have kept coming up short?

Perhaps it isn?t even external. Perhaps your challenge is an internal one.

Whatever it is, we definitely put the odds in our favor if we decide to succeed anyway. In fact, if you?ve got some things working against you? succeeding anyway is the ONLY way you?ll succeed. Period!

So I hope the words of this song resonate with your own determination to succeed anyway. In this verb song, you?ll hear a true story of one of nature?s examples that prove that success is possible even in the most unyielding circumstances.



P.S. Be sure to look out for the SWORL version coming soon.

P.P.S. At the time this article was written, you should be able to download this song for free, along with the instrumental, by simply joining the VerbMusic Newsletter. Just put your information in the box at the upper right of this page. And the download link for this song should be sent to you immediately.

Source: http://www.verbmusic.com/new-release-from-verbmusic-the-self-development-song-succeed-anyway/

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