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Understanding Reseller Web Hosting | eWealthToday

Reseller web hosting is a type of website hosting in which an account owner can use the allotted bandwidth and hard drive space they lease to host web pages for a third party. This type of hosting can contribute greatly to a website?s success. For more information that can help you truly understand reseller web hosting, read below.

The Basics of Reseller Web Hosting

The person handling this type of web hosting is called a reseller. The basic concept behind reseller web hosting is that the reseller purchases a host?s services and then sells them to his or her own customers, usually in exchange for a certain fee. Typically, resellers are represented by either companies that own a dedicated server or businesses that have purchased reseller hosting plans for a particular web hosting service. The original service provider takes care of any issues relating to hardware, software, and connectivity, while the reseller is responsible for building a customer base with whom to interact and sell the service. A reseller is able to set up and maintain customer accounts via a web interface, commonly referred to as a ?control panel?.

The Benefits of Reseller Web Hosting

For the reseller, the benefit of using reseller web hosting is more than obvious: this type of web hosting is a relatively easy way to increase an income, without all the effort, time, and money usually associated with opening an online business. It can be the perfect starting point for anyone wanting to make money online. For customers, choosing to use a reseller web hosting provider as opposed to a standard hosting service can be a way to save a couple of bucks, because this type of hosting tends to be cheaper. Reseller web hosting, with the right amount of dedication, can be quite a lucrative business venture because every web page needs hosting, so the potential customer base is virtually infinite.

Is It Hard to Get Into Reseller Web Hosting Business?

Not at all. This type of business venture does not require extensive technological knowledge, so anybody serious about making an income from this can certainly succeed. For anyone interested in becoming a reseller, a few steps must be undertaken. Firstly, a thorough market research is required. Browse through several web hosting providers and compare their offers and fees.

After finding the perfect provider, the next step involves establishing the medium through which you can sell the services, typically a web page. Some web hosting services offer resellers the possibility to create their own pricing structure and business plans. Some even offer discounts for those wishing to get in the reselling business. After picking a provider, the final step requires paying attention to marketing strategies, which can help bring clients in and keep them.


These represent some of the most important things needed to be known in order to understand reseller web hosting. If you are interested in either opening or using this type of service, the info provided in this article should help you get started.

Source: http://www.ewealthtoday.com/online-business/web-hosting/understanding-reseller-web-hosting/

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